how to do Amazon affiliate marketing 10 steps to making money online with an Amazon affiliate site you've probably heard about how much money you can make online as an Amazon affiliate.

maybe even set up a site yourself tested it out and found after getting everything up and running only a few bucks in affiliate income came flowing in after a few months.
hi gays and in this article you're going to the learn 10 great tips to make the most from your Amazon affiliate marketing look I know. how to difficult affiliate marketing can be if not done right. I've been there but this article will highlight 10 quick and easy tips to maximize your Amazon affiliate marketing efforts okay. with out further ado let's talk about affiliate marketing through Amazon based on real world experience here's.
the best way to the really make money with an Amazon affiliate site and it'll be only take a day to the make the site the secret low cost of low effort.
so how to build an Amazon affiliate site just building your Amazon affiliate site is one thing. but it's an entirely different challenge to start bringing in the right traffic that will convert into product sales once they click through to Amazon. because of the that it's incredibly important to the choose the right niche for the your site.
straight from the get-go, let's get to the it 1 pick in your niche. you're going to the doing product reviews and recommendations. so pick a topic that you enjoy and know about your topic something.
if you can't stay passionate about the topic that will show and it also won't hold your interest choose a narrow enough niche to be distinctive 2 choose in your domain name and hosting make it the keyword rich not the clever think. how people will find your site in the search engines once you've picked your domain name you now have to register your domain name.
if you're not technically inclined at all you can be register your domain. wherever you set up in your hosting. but it isn't that difficult and it's generally best to have separate providers for domain name and hosting domain names are cheap around 10 dollars per year.
I tend to use name cheap as far as hosting is concerned again shop around you only need a shared hosting account and these can be found for as little as $5 per month. a 2 hosting is a good place to start 3 install WordPress isn't WordPress a blog platform.
you say yes it is but it will give your site all the structure you need plus make it easy to quickly post new contents. WordPress is also open source free easy to install and use and yet very powerful many hosts have a one step installation process for it or you can download it and follow their installation instructions 4 things up one of the great things about.
WordPress is the huge variety of templates available for it they can completely change the look and feel of your website. there are free and premium plugins to choose from and feel free to experiment until you get the look and feel that you want 5 make use of categories most blog software allows.
you to create sub categories to help organize your entries this will help visitors narrow in even more specifically on their interests.anything that makes site navigation easier is a good thing 6 sign up as a the Amazon associate affiliate only.
now are you actually going to go over to the Amazon to sign up is the simple and free just visit Amazon and click on the join Associates link and bottom of the page. your site should be already have to at least the basic setup done even if you are don't have any content there yet as.
they'll review the site manually before approval 7 create your Amazon builder link book mark and link this will make it easy to build the link with your Amazon affiliate ID built in log in to associate central look in the left navigation sidebar go to builder link and under static links find individual items click.
drag this onto your links toolbar or favorites menu in your browser 8 build your first link go to Amazon and log in with your associates account find a product you want to review and use the site stripe this is the grey stripe at the top of the screen that.
you'll see when logged in as an associate to get your personalized link to the item decide. whether you want text image or a combination and copy the embed code that is generated they also offer a variety of other for creating links and banners 9 blog in your review now you need to the write your product review on the your blog.
choose the appropriate categories for it you can be write the review post in the visual tab once the review is the written decide. where you want to the add your amazon link switch to the text tab and paste in your amazon link code once you have to done.
this you can be swap back to the visual tab to the see if it looks ok and if it does hit the publish 10 build out in your Amazon affiliate site before you promote in your site. you want to the have some substantial content there write several product reviews have at least 2 to 3 in each category that you've created you may also want to make categories for articles news and commentary about your topic.
the more content in your site has the better bonus tips for the making money online as an Amazon affiliate promoting in your Amazon affiliate site the best free way to the do this is to the communicate with other bloggers writing about similar topics and to the participate in your online communities.
where your topic is discussed such as social media Facebook groups and forums to pick up some extra pennies sign up for Google Adsense. it probably won't generate a lot of the revenue.
but it's free to the sign up and completely effort less to the maintain set in reason able expectations for on earnings. you've only invested a little cash you're going to make 5% on most products that means that you need to sell $400 worth of stuff to make back an investment of say $20 to make $20 an hour what you review must generate $400worth of purchases you get credit for other purchases that.
customers you send make while at Amazon besides just the product that you linked. so it's not a shard as it may sound it won't make to you rich overnight. but it's not hard to be profitable and it builds over time.I hope you found this article useful please like and leave a comment about.
whether you have or intend to start affiliate marketing with Amazon and don't forget to follow to my website for more article helping you to grow your online business and thanks for reading have a great day.